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- Statement FNV Bondgenoten: Toxic gas Containers
Press releases:
- EOM-Press release 1. (2014/05/23): New global production processes with transport of production parts and goods provide new global health problems.
- Globalisierung von Warenproduktion und -Transport führt zu Globalisierung von Gesundheitsrisiken.
Asbestos exposed workers:
Further evidence of asbestos impropriety at IARC, the World Health Organization's cancer agency.
Please read the latest article by Kathleen Ruff on www.RightOnCanada.ca published December 23rd.
"Russian asbestos companies paid for scientific article that supports asbestos use"! The full article together with the controversial Paper by David Bernstein can be found in our knowledge center. The response of David Bernstein is published in Crit Rev Toxicol. 2013 Sep;43(8):709-10, but is not open access.