Threats to Health of European Citizens
An expanding number of human health problems have been linked to occupational or environmental exposures. In recent decades new globalized production processes and transport of all kinds of goods have been established. These changes in the production, trade, logistic, and economic fields are combined with new health hazards for thousands of European workers (such as those engaged in production, transport or storage), for consumers and the environment. At present there is no EU funding in these fieldsand politics is strongly influenced by interest groups.
Our Strategy
Such new hazards may need new methods to identify them, new basic information on possible new toxic, carcinogenic and allergic effects. This is only possible within a framework of interdisciplinary research between basic and applied scientists and physicians.These has to be in substantial accord with rapidlyaccelerating new technologies (i.e. nanotechnologies, new green technologies) bringing new as yet unknown hazards and possibly new environmental or work-related diseases - and possibly additional cost for health care and diseases if not recognized early. This can be accomplished in a best form if independent, interdisciplinary European scientists and practitioners network and cooperate within a society.
Our Aims
EOM’s concern is to increase awareness of EOM’s goals in the society, i.e.
- to initiate independent interdisciplinary research
- lobbying for joint fund rising on the EU level
- to get influence in political advisory groups in Europe
in order to protect European workers and citizens from new health hazards.
Concrete aims of EOM are
to increase the European cooperation and maintain interdisciplinary research network between independent scientists, physicians and practitioners by enhancing the initiating teamwork also with other related focus areas like public health, cancer biology, toxicology, allergy, epidemiology. (Topics i.e. exchanging methods, or using larger patient collectives)
to define gaps and needs of the area of occupational health.
to search for, recognize, identify and define new interdisciplinary innovative research areas combining interdisciplinary approaches and develop cooperative projects which cannot be covered as a whole by the traditional national occupational or environmental medicine/health societies only.
to evaluate the potential of occupational health as a focal area for a future innovative partnerships with Universities and EU health care initiatives.
to offer expertise enabling to settle independent expert working groups on European strategies for harmonized diagnostic standards, recommendations for preventive measures and health promotion, respective guidelines,European definitions of occupational/ environmental diseases.
to cooperate with various national scientific societies, with the WHO, international chemical safety program, EU institutions etc. to support the implementation the scientific results in European guidelines, recommendations and regulations in public and occupational health including reports, reports, roadmaps etc.).
to enhance grant applications within the cooperative research groups by interdisciplinary cooperation.
to provide an website/internet platform for discussion and exchange on issues of relevance to public’s health including environmental and occupational health and sustainability, prevention, diagnosis and analytical issues.