Most recent articles from the Collegium Ramazzini:

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Census/Asbestos/E-Cigarettes/Ethics/Ukraine/Covid-19/Air pollution

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Fees and Type of Membership

The current annual membership fee is EUR 25 (academic membership/clinician/scientist), EUR 15 (Students), EUR 150 (institutional membership) or EUR 120 (individual corporate membership), respectively.

The Member's Assembly will decide about the amount of the membership fee. I hereby apply for a membership in the European Society for the Environmental and Occupational Medicine (EOM).

Please note: You can apply only for one type of membership und your choice must resemble your status correctly. If you are employed at a company, you must apply for a corporate membership.

Send Application Data

I declare that all data submitted for processing is correct to best of my knowledge. I declare that the above information is true. I am in good standing with the General Medical or my relevant governing body and I am not subject to restrictions on my practice, nor the subject of any proceedings pending against me. I understand that being a member of the Society does not confer entitlement to any post-nominal qualifications or use of the EOM logo. I have read and agree to the Society's Terms and Conditions and I agree to accept communications from the European Society for Environmental and Occupational Medicine.

I work (clinic research)/or study (learn) in the area of environmental health or occupational health. Please load up/ or send us your short (c. 1 page) CV with your academic / professional education and qualifications plus professional career incl. max. 5 most important publications. For institutional membership (i.e. national society) please send us c. 1 page information on your organization (goals, who are your members).